Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Orange is the New Black

Hello, world of Prandel!

Just a short update post!

Jigg and I finally reached our 2nd rebirth, which we all know is my origin piece rebirth, and it only took me 7 weeks this time to go from 1st RB to 2nd.



Rebirthed a little low but made it up in a couple hours and now hunting at Gem for Origins, so don't expect any exciting updates for a while until after I finish off these last 800 pieces.


  1. Gz 2nd rebirth.
    You reach your goal day by day^^
    Next Xmas, you will get 30k damage with 4th rb >.<b

  2. Gz 2nd rebirth.
    You reach your goal day by day^^
    Next Xmas, you will get 30k damage with 4th rb >.<b
